- The Most Accurate
Mobile Phone Number Database
We offer the most complete and accurate cell phone number database available. We are now over 430 million records strong!Cell Phone List: Mobile Number Database
The CPL USA Database contains over 430 million individual cell phone numbers! Our cell phone lists include every area code, every NXX (prefix) and wireless carrier! Each area code list also includes the SMS carrier messaging domain for email based text marketing campaigns! In addition, we offer the complete United Kingdom, Canadian, Puerto Rican & Virgin Island databases!
The Most Accurate Mobile Phone Number Database in the World
Consider our database a "Master List" of every mobile cellular number that currently exists. Our in house experts are constantly maintaining and updating our mobile lists on a regular basis. Our goal is to provide our clients with the most accurate, complete and up to date mobile database anywhere! For more information about our mobile lists, visit the Cell Phone Number List page.Cell Phone Number List with Demographic Data
In addition to our standard database, we also offer premium Cell Phone Number Lists which contain detailed demographic information. Our demographic data includes full name, complete address, and wireless phone number. Other information includes, DOB, gender, homeowner status, email address, and much more! For more information about our demographic lists, visit the Cell Phone Number List with Demographics page.Business Opportunity List (BizOp)
From network marketing to franchise opportunities, our Business Opportunity List can assist your organization with the generation of high quality leads relevant to your program. All records in our Business Opportunity List include full name & wireless telephone number!Ringless Voicemail Drop Platform
Need a delivery platform? Our Ringless Voicemail Drop Platform is an efficient and cost-effective way to deliver your messages to mobile users. Ringless Voicemail Drops are the legal alternative to auto-dialers, and an excellent way to send a direct message to your subscribers or potential customers.
Our Ringless Voicemail Platform will leave a custom voice message directly on your audiences' voicemail without ever ringing their phones. We offer competitive rates as low as 1¢ per successfully delivered voice message.
With our RVM platform, you can drop your custom message into thousands of voicemail boxes within minutes without ever bothering the recipients, and you are only charged for messages that are 100 percent successfully delivered!
When used responsibly Ringless Voicemail Drops are fully FCC, CRTC, and TCPA compliant. For more info visit our standalone Ringless Voicemail website.
Bulk SMS Software Platform
The CPL SMS Studio is the ultimate bulk text messaging platform available anywhere! The Studio can instantly send thousands of SMS and MMS messages to subscribers in over 150 countries for fractions of a cent per message. You purchase the CPL SMS Studio once and gain unlimited access for life with no monthly fees!
Our easy to use web-based messaging platform includes many features designed to contribute towards the success of your mobile marketing campaigns. From custom auto-reply messages to detailed delivery reports and a built in message scheduling system, the CPL SMS Studio contains all the tools needed to successfully manage campaigns of any complexity!
List Reseller Program
As a list reseller, you have a phenomenal opportunity to provide your clients with exceptional quality data while simultaneously generating a lucrative income stream for yourself! Using our cloud-based demographic list platform, CPL resellers maintain full control of account creation and credit distribution: Simply create customer accounts & assign credits as needed! For more information, visit our List Reseller Program page.
Our Clients
Our clients include small businesses, insurance agencies, realtors, fitness centers, doctors, dentists, automotive dealerships, restaurants, networkers, politicians, predictive dialer users, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations just to name a few.